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Waikato District Mãori Council
Kia ora – Welcome to Waikato District Maori Council.
Richard Clark
Tamaki ki te Tonga, Hauraki, Waikato, Maniapoto and Tauranga District Māori Councils all grew from out of the Waikato-Maniapoto Māori Land Court District. In the north, Waikato district starts with the southern boundary of Tamaki Ki Te Tonga then from the base of the Firth of Thames drops down Tokoroa. By agreement with Te Arawa, Tirau, Putaruru and Tokoroa are included in this district. The line then runs to but does not include Mangakino, then on to Otorohanga which is in the Waikato district and on to Kawhia Harbour.
Waikato District Mãori Council
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